Monday, September 16, 2013


So it has been quite awhile since I have posted! I feel like I haven't even had time to breathe let alone actually sit down and think about writing a blog post.

Well a lot of things have been going on..
My daughter started Pre-K, she is such a joy and I love seeing her get excited about her drawings that she drew during the day. Here is her 1st day of school pic

I have started my actual teaching classes. Please pray that I learn all that I can during this semester. Also that I keep my sanity, because I tend to have lots of irons in my fire!
I have been getting a lot of photography sessions. I am working at my church on Sundays, I am teaching the 1st graders! They are such a blessing. My daughter has started soccer, so we have practices twice a week and games on the weekend. School has started for me, I am back in full swing with my City job. I have a bathroom redo in progress, and have a few other projects dealing with my photography that I have going. Like I said LOTS of irons!
Question: How do you discipline your children? Do you spank, use time out, or another form of discipline? When do you discipline them?