Monday, December 31, 2012

Project 365

My goal for the next year is to have fun, not make any commitments as far as "resolutions." I want to work more on my photography! To develop different skills. I want to be that photographer who has crisp pictures and had the confidence in herself to capture that perfect candid shot! To work on this I want to do the Project 365. This is where I capture my life during the year by taking a picture each day! ( Yikes! I know tall order, but I will try) This doesn't have to be a perfect picture, I just want to capture the "real" life moments that make our family us! I want to eventually make a photobook of this! and maybe capture years to come this way!

I also want to work on my faithfulness and obedience to God! To trust Him and know He has the perfect plan for us. I feel this year is going to be BIG and I want to be brave enough to to be "that Christian," that follower of Jesus Christ, where other people see His light through me. So as I go throughout this year, I want others see His light and say "something is different about them?" And for them not to be afraid to ask us why we are soo happy or what makes our marriage work. I want to share God with everyone I meet, I want them to know Him personally like we do!

To spend more quality time with my husband and my daughter!