Sunday, February 21, 2010

Birthday Girl!!

This was a glimpse at what her decorations was. I actually ended up not taking ANY picutres with my camera!! So I am relying on Nanny's pictures!! When I get more pictures I will post them!!

Samantha turned 1 year on Thursday, so we had her party on Saturday. There were sooo many friends and family there!! It was AMAZING! Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate with us. Samantha loved see everyone. She had a blast with all the kiddos!!

Her big present from us was this wagon! SHE LOVED IT! It will get good use at the acre and on the ranch!! I can't wait for warmer weather!!

Her Aunt Tammy made a fabulous smash cake!! She is taking orders!!

Samantha was poking at her smash cake then finally realized she was allowed to dig in!! TOO FUNNY!! So she leaned over and took a bite!

This was was the before picture of her smash cake ( I actually don't have a picture of her smash cake. when I get one I will post it)

Her 1st birthday went really well again thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate. and to the guests( Krystal , Shawna )who came and didn't know they were going to help decorate!! THANK YOU!! Love you guys!!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Blessings at Daycare

Today as I was dropping Samantha off for daycare, her sweet teacher Jessica asked me if I babysat for a girl named Lauren. I stood there racking my brain, Lauren, Lauren..Oh my goodness..surely it isn't the same Lauren!!!! Yes it was. Well many years ago ( almost 11) I baby sat a wonderful girl who lived across the street. Her family was just precious! She was a doll to watch and very very mature for her age! Just an over all blessing. Well turns out she works at the daycare I now take Samantha too! Another blessing from her many years later!!
It is funny how things come back around and God places you back in peoples lives at the funniest times. I babysat her and now she is watching my daughter! It was really good to catch up with her and learn about what her family has been up too all these years!! I hope I get the chance to visit with her parents! I love surprise blessings!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Samantha Updates

My goal is post more often. I have decided to get rid of my facebook account, so I will HAVE to start posting now. I am hoping it will keep me more accountable. I hate to say it but right now my posts will be short on pictures, being as I have lost my cord to the camera and my computer will not read my card ): But I will try to remember to take them with my phone.. Samantha's birthday is this week, I am very excited!! I hope the party goes well. I hope she has a wonderful time with all her friends that are coming. She has gotten so big lately. I asked her where her puppy was (it was just a few feet from her) she turned around and looked at it and said "over there." She doesn't carry a baby doll, she has this stuffed puppy. That when you press his paw he barks. She will squeeze it and love on it. I will have to get a picture of her loving on her puppy.

A friend's son turns 5 Monday and his party was today. We stopped by the store and picked him a present. While we were shopping, I was visiting with my sister on the phone, she wanted a picture of her. This was the picture I took. If you will notice her shirt says smile. She didn't. But it still was a good picture for the randomness of it. ( Yes we are at Wal - Mart)

This is a picture I took with her riding her horse that Santa got her for Christmas! She loves this horse. I have a video of her riding it. Soo cute but for some reason it won't let me upload it. I will try again.

I am also going to try to post a video of her walking. YES she has started to walk!!

Ok sorry for the poor quality of this video. It is taken in her room and the lighting in there is HORRIBLE. plus I have to remember to turn my phone around!! lol..but she is walking pretty good even if it is only a few steps. I had to hurry and move back so that I could catch her. and I only got her walking a brief moment.