Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sweet Samantha

I haven't posted in awhile. Well on this blog! I have another one called My Photographer Too. Please go there and add it to your blogs. http://www.myphotographertoo.blogspot.com/. I have been trying to get my photography business up and going! It has been a slow process so hopefully it will stay around. ( :  I have also created a FB page with My Photography Too. Please "like" this also! It is fun taking pictures! Ok so enough about my new venture!

This post is about Samantha, Sami. She has been so sweet lately! She constantly wants in my lap. Lately she will just randomly look up and tell me "Mom! I love you!" This melts my heart. I overheard her tell her daddy that " MOM said I was AWESOME!" I had just told her she was awesome because she was really helping me clean for Mother's Day! It just made my day to hear her say that to her daddy!

I took the above photograph last night. If anyone knows Sami, she LOVES "Brown Puppy" (as she has recently named him) This just make my heart smile. You can really she her love for Brown Puppy in this photograph! I think she was actually saying to Brown Puppy.."Brown Puppy, you okay? You need a drink? You hungry? Okay I will get you something"

I love this little girl with all my heart!